Interior minister Marco Minniti went to Libya in an attempt to reduce migrant flows, earning praise and condemnation in equal measure for his approach. Roma, 7 settembre 2017 – The Guardian Online In his eight months in office, Marco Minniti, the austere Italian interior minister, has overseen a huge reduction in the number of African migrants and refugees...
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New York, 4 agosto 2017 – Jason Horowitz, “The New York Times” During a visit to Moscow in 1980, Marco Minniti, a bald and bold young functionary in the Italian Communist Party, mortified his comrades by asking a Red Army general why the Soviets had occupied Afghanistan. The general pointed south on a map and explained that the faraway land mattered...
Roma, 1 marzo 2017 A bright conversation about the Italian role in Libya, the future of NATO and the Italian Air Force operativity with Gen. (ret.) Leonardo Tricarico, former head of the Italian Air Force, former Deputy Commander of the Multinational Coalition Force in the Balkans and former military advisor of three Italian Prime Ministers (1999-2004) Which strategies...
ABSTRACT In 2014 alone over 3419 immigrants died in the Mediterranean region. Being faced with such a humanitarian tragedy, going on for years with no real short-term prospects of improvement, the European Union generated only inadequate responses from all perspectives: not only has the management of such a complex issue been treated as a domestic affair to be faced...